Friday, March 15, 2013

Haven't been active on this for a while, but there are some pretty recurrent stuff going on the other tumblr blog . Works, clients, updates... Voila.

Friday, November 30, 2012

A While Ago

Did this a while ago with Phat 2, around Monot. Still "training" and preparing for a next one...

Picture by Mirna Harb

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Show Me The Munny

I got called up to enter a designers' competition, and when I get there they give me the Munny. Like you I was thinking: what the hell is a munny?! And why is that dude giving me a small white toy?!
So, this is a munny.

I did what I do best: doodle.

Friday, September 21, 2012

Big Hearted People


Always wanted to be a mom, and I can't wait for it. I also always described my first kid to be a blonde girl in a white dress playing in the mud and making all the other kids jealous because their parents would be screaming at them getting dirty. Remember, clothes are replaceable, memories aren't. 

I met Inès. Cute, beautiful and smart girl for a 2 year old. Remember her face, she's gonna make it somewhere one day. Those eyes, this face, these lips... and that attitude: dropping a toy under the couch then going to get an umbrella to reach for it... yeah, I think her IQ is pretty high up.

Good old times